V-cube provides "urgent countermeasure solution" to the firefighting command system of the Haga wide area administrative office fire department headquarters (Tochigi prefecture)
V-cube to provide “Telecube” to JR STATION WORK, a station share office where JR East will expand its base at Kawaguchi Station in July 2020
V-cube, V-CUBE Sales Plus, a web conferencing service dedicated to "online sales", cooperates with Salesforce
V-cube offers "V-CUBE Sales Plus", a web conferencing service exclusively for "online sales", until September 30, 2020
V-cube starts offering packages for municipalities for the age of with & after corona
V-cube starts offering service collaboration to support online seminars for companies with SHANON Inc.
V-cube's "V-CUBE Video SDK" that easily incorporates online video communication function and supports in-house services and real events in the corona era has exceeded the record time
V-cube introduces telework support plan to create an environment where employees can work with more peace of mind
Business collaboration between Yamaguchi Financial Group and V-cube
V-cube collaborates with iStudy/CAICA to develop online education business in Southeast Asia
V-cube, Capital Medica, CareNet "Limited-time online outpatient agency service" will be provided to medical institutions free of charge from April 20
V-cube and Asteria promote "Virtual Shareholders Meeting"
V-cube has significantly expanded the infrastructure of the V-CUBE Meeting Web conferencing service in anticipation of business continuity expansion by utilizing telework.
V-cube wins No. 1 share in 2019 domestic web conference market for 13 consecutive years
V-cube to provide "Tele-cube" to station share office "STATION WORK" which East Japan Railway Company will open at 5 locations this spring
Notice Regarding Pilot Introduction of New Functions at 20th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for Realization and Service of Hybrid Virtual General Meeting of Shareholders
V-cube provides "emergency countermeasure solution" to the information system of the security headquarters, which was prepared by the Saitama City Fire Department in preparation for a fire or disaster
V-cube opens "Telework Navi" to solve all questions about telework
V-cube collaborates with SourceNext for teleworking solutions, launches second V-CUBE meeting web conferencing service
V-cube launches "V-CUBE Sales Plus" web conferencing service exclusively for "online sales" free of charge
V-cube collaborates with SourceNext in the field of telework solutions
V-cube launches low-priced, high-quality, own-brand camera and microphone speaker "V-CUBE device"
V-cube establishes a consultation service for "business continuity emergency (telework) grants" in Tokyo
V-cube launches sales by linking remote access to securely access company data during telework with web conferencing
Supporting free provision of "online consultation/online property tour/IT critical theory" service in collaboration with V-cube and LIFULL
V-cube started providing V-CUBE Meeting, a web conferencing service, to non-profit organizations such as educational institutions free of charge
V-cube now offers "Krisp" free of charge in consideration of telework, which solves problems such as noise and noise of voice common to all web conferences
NETIS-registered "V-CUBE Collaboration" and smart glasses from RealWear in the United States have started to provide remote work support solutions.
V-cube strengthens live distribution service as an ECP service that can be held online or postponed due to concern about infectious diseases
V-cube provides DC7 online crane game with "V-CUBE Video SDK" that can easily develop large-scale distribution system with low latency
V-cube launches special distribution service "SCP" to support a general meeting of shareholders, which may be held or participate due to concerns about infectious diseases
V-cube, lineup added to smart work booth "Telecube" office installation subscription model
Published guidelines for work style reforms and promotion of telework and opened a telework consultation desk
Sumitomo Shoji Machinex Co., Ltd.'s new work space sharing service "Work Space SMX" and smart work booth "Telecube" work together
Smart work booth "Telecube" that solves "missing problem in meeting room" in office Start on air from TVCM December 1st (January)
V-cube begins exclusive domestic sales of "Krisp", a noise canceling application that enables comfortable use of all web conferencing services
V-cube's "Telecube" has been adopted for the co-working type shared office "STATION DESK", which is newly opened by JR East.
V-cube and Okamura start offering a subscription model for communication booth "Telecube" office installation
Communication booth "TELECUBE by OKAMURA" starts selling for four people
V-cube and NTT TechnoCross Corporation form a partnership in the field of video communication to create new markets
Established "Telecube Service Co., Ltd." to further spread the "Telecube" communication booth for telework
ORGANO CORPORATION Introduces Remote Work Support Solution Utilizing Smart Glasses of Konica Minolta and V-cube
"Telecube" provided by V-cube has been adopted in the share office business "STATION WORK" which East Japan Railway Company has started in earnest
Establishment and full-scale operation of Telecube Inc.
V-cube launches new version of V-CUBE Meeting, a web conferencing service with enhanced connectivity and document sharing
V-cube launches "V-CUBE Video SDK" that realizes the incorporation of two-way communication function utilizing video and audio
V-cube provides "V-CUBE Board" to Kobe's new crisis management system
V-cube installs "Telecube" at Makuhari Messe
V-cube provides video conference system "V-CUBE Meeting" for insurance "remote consultation system" introduced by The Hyakugo Bank, Ltd.
BRIDGE International Corp., RevComm Inc. and V-cube are all working together in the Sales Tech domain to support work style reform in sales
V-cube expands telecube installation area, accelerating demonstration experiment with Mitsubishi Estate to promote work style reform
Provided "agora.io Video SDK" to fan community service "CHEERZ" provided by V-cube and Foggu Inc.
V-cube provides a work box "Telecube" for the station work developed by JR East within the newly opened "JJ+T" at "ecute Tachikawa" at JR Tachikawa Station
V-cube launches new version of V-CUBE seminar, a web seminar service with enhanced video streaming distribution function
Launched "V-CUBE Sales Plus", a new service that realizes work style reform in sales
V-cube wins No. 1 share for 12 consecutive years in 2018 domestic Web conference market
V-cube installs a telecube in the newly opened "Shonan Odakyu Sumaino Plaza" in "ODAKYU Shonan GATE"
V-cube's "xSync Prime Collaboration" works with RealWear Inc.'s explosion-proof certified smart glasses
V-cube provides "agora.io Video SDK" to "mineo" user community provided by K-Opticom
V-cube announces new office
V-cube registered the remote site support system "xSync Prime Collaboration" with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's new technology information system "NETIS"
"Telecube" provided by V-cube, adopted for demonstration experiment aiming at business development of shared office started by East Japan Railway Company
Mitsubishi Estate and V-cube start proof experiment to promote work style reform
V-cube and OKAMURA corporation jointly developed "TELECUBE by OKAMURA" and started sales
V-cube supports minacolor inc.'s National Strategic Special Zone system development for remote medication instruction