School Solutions

ASKnLearn™ Learning Management System (LMS) has more than 100 e-learning tools and administrative functions that allow you to customise to your school‘s requirement. The effective and user friendly tools are designed with the teacher‘s needs in mind. They also support IT infused teaching, collaborative learning, formative assessments, mobile learning and many more.
ASKnLearn™ is the first education solution in Singapore to obtain full SCORM 1.2 RTE3 certification in 2007 and SCORM 2004 certification in 2010. ASKnLearn™ also obtains the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) v1.0, v1.1 and v1.1.1 Conformance certification in 2014.

School Admin System
In close consultation with local schools, we have been developing productivity related administrative functions since year 2010. The portal offers more than 60 useful functions commonly used by schools.
Manage innovative project work
Maintain your rubric list
CCA Selection
CCA management for schools
Manage course elective selection
Record attendance & participation
Consultation Booking
Make appointment for consultation
eDiscipline System
Record/track offences & good behaviour by students
Management of user enrolment
Manage certificates
Tracking of ICT lesson
Email Management
Management of system email
Create/upload students’ results for parents’ viewing
Leadership Checklist
Leadership Checklist
Target Setting
Target Setting
Gentleman Portal
Gentleman portal
Subject Combination Allocator
Create eStreaming for parents and students to select the subject combination choices
Courseware Management
Manage courseware display order/select “most popular” courseware
Skill Set
Skill Set
Multimedia Content
We have more than 5000 multimedia lessons, activities and games designed to complement teachers in classroom teaching, facilitate learning process and enhance the overall learning experience of every learner.
The pedagogically sound and highly engaging lessons also support self-directed and inquiry-based learning styles and pique learner's interest to explore their subjects further.
Key Benefits
- Content delivered in an efficient, hassle-free manner
- Connect your learners in a real-time environment
- Customisable to your needs
- Accessible anytime, anywhere
- Secure and reliable LMS
- Real-time reporting and concurrent monitoring of progress

Human Digestive System: Oesophagus

Conservation of Petroleum

AC Generator

Pascal's Triangle Expansion of Algebraic Expressions




Enrich Programmes - CCA/ALP/LLP
Our training team has been providing IT training programmes to schools since 2000. We believe in bringing out the best potential in every student through creative and innovative IT training programmes. Our qualified and committed IT trainers empower students with crucial IT life skills for their future endeavours in any industry.
NAC-AEP ENDORSED PROGRAMMES AVAILABLE The National Arts Council (NAC) believes that all students should have access to quality arts education programmes. Its arts education mission is to develop students’ potential for creativity and expression through the arts as well as develop their understanding of the arts and culture. Programmes under the NAC-Arts Education Programme are eligible for grant subsidy. Log on to to view the range of Wizlearn Techonologies programmes endorsed and co-funded by NAC.
AMIS – Art and Music Instructor Scheme
If you are a passionate practitioner of Art or Music and love interacting with students, we welcome you to join us as an Art or Music instructor. The Arts and Music Instructors Scheme (AMIS) was launched by Ministry of Education with the aim to provide primary schools with external Art and Music practitioners to complement their teachers in the delivery of the curriculum. By tapping on the AMIS funding given to primary schools, external vendors help to enrich the students in art, music, visual art, dance etc and aesthetics is taken to another level.
G.A.M.E – Get Animation with Multimedia Explorer

Students will be exposed to different types of game creation and to understand game structure and game concepts. Learning game development with various software and coding.
Learning Objectives
Through collaborations with other students, internships, classroom teaching and hands-on experience, students immerse in computer science and game programming techniques, as well as best-practices for game production.
STEPS – Skills Techniques to Ensure Programming Skills

- Game Strategy
- Concept of Games Design
- Story Boarding
- Software
- Skill and Game Criteria
- Coding
- Debugging of Final Game
- Complete Game

Students will be learning different type of camera , usage and settings
Learning Objectives
Develop a solid grounding in photography – from camera handling, to getting the right exposure, optimising manual functions and composition. Participants will develop their photographic eye through a blend of lectures, practical assignments
- Introduction to Photography
- Putting Photography concepts into practice
- Right Exposure and Composition
- Camera Handling
- Different Types of photo concepts Landscape and Portraits
- Angels
- Black and White Photography
- Editing Raw images using Photoshop
Stop Motion

Learning Objectives
This course will offer skill development in the use of software to develop storyboards and Stop Motion animation including creating, importing and sequencing media elements to create multi-media presentations. Students produce all animations using a DSLR camera, stop-motion, and basic audio software. The course Claymation, puppet-model-making, cut-out animation and backgrounds/environments. This course takes the students through various aspects of Stop Motion animation using a variety of materials and techniques. Developing concepts, storyboarding and production of several stop motion animations will be accomplished.
- Introduction to Stop Motion Animation
- Grouping the team based on Theme given
- Storyboarding and script writing
- Props and Background Creation
- Stop Motion Techniques wit POST and Pre Production
- Editing
- Audio Setting
- Final Movie
Art and Craft

Learning Objectives
The visual arts are art forms such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, literature, and architecture. Many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types.
This course is designed to develop an understanding of the theory, tools and techniques of information technology combines well with visual arts.
- Introduction to Art and Creativity
- Prototype the model
- Design using Google Sketch up / Drawing
- Transferring images to 3D Printer
- Drawing images using 3D doodler
- Creating design using Art and Innovate Creation
ICT Baseline – ALP

Learning Objectives
Baseline ICT skills is a set of essential skills that a pupil requires to navigate in an ICT-enriched environment. These skills form the basic level of knowledge, skills and values that pupils need in order to fully benefit from a curriculum enriched with ICT, and eventually thrive in a technology-driven society. In an effort to ensure the acquisition of these essential skills, Hands-on sessions involving application of basic ICT skills and practical ICT skills required for Applied Learning Programme.
- Microsoft Office – Word Application 2010 – 2013
- Microsoft Office – Excel Application 2010-2013
- Microsoft Office – Power Point Application 2010-2013
- Google Apps
- Internet Search
- News Maker
- Digital Art
- Infographic
Manpower Services
We have more than 18 years of experience providing manpower services to schools. Being the leading IT training provider in Singapore, we have more than 90 multimedia educators and support specialist stationed in schools. Working closely with schools, we have won numerous awards such as NPGCC, SGCC and SDMA.
Our Strengths
Staff engagement
- Training and development
- Staff recognition
- Welfare and recreation activities
Client collaboration
- Understanding requirements
- Matching manpower needs
- Performance review
- Seamless ICT Support/Training
- Cost savings
- Service guarantee/hassle free
- Winning competitions
Administrative excellence
- Recruitment process
- Orientation process
- Reporting
- Replacement
Learning Journey
We work with schools to create customized learning journeys that adopts multi-disciplinary approach to engage students’ interests and enhances learning experience.
Type of Learning Journeys
- Subject related trails
- Math trails
- Science trails
- ALP trails
- Recycling trails
School Events
- School anniversary trails
- SG50 trails
- National day trails
- Racial harmony trails
- Open house
- Teacher's retreat
Learning Journeys conducted with schools